Indie Girl & Pop Boy

We Need A Little Edge With Our Electro Pop

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I Bet This'll Sound Good On The Dancefloor...

The Sugababes have only went and recorded the best cover of '06 so far (and probably for the whole year. In a year when James Blunt is Best Pop Act, Pop Boy and I are starting to lose all of our hope.)

And I say it's the best cover after hearing only 30 seconds courtesy of the wonderful Popjustice (we are the Iceland to their Harvey Nichols) I am positive that it is absolutely fantastic and I am afraid listening to the whole song may affect my health, it'll be so amazing.

It's pissed off a few snobby indie morons as well (aka: NME readers who actually think it's good... oh, see Blunt of the Week. Again.) Hoo-rah!

Though me and Pop Boy still reckon Girls Aloud should've done this cover. Can you imagine?!? Can you?!? They could always cover Mardy Bum. I may implode with the sheer aceness of it all.

(oh, and finding it strange that i'm not moaning about the Brits? It'll come later. Just you wait. I can't find the words...)

I suppose you lot think it's the most fantastic thing ever ever (just for today of course, or until the Aloud cover Mardy Bum) Let us know!


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